The Essential Workers Home Loan

The loan that brings you closer to home

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Solving housing affordability for Essential Workers

We want to help find a solution to housing affordability so we’ve partnered with HOPE Housing to offer a solution. At this time, due to significant interest, our co-investor HOPE Housing has indicated that they are reaching their maximum subscription levels, so for now we are taking expressions of interest only. 

First responders – Police officers, ambulance officers, firefighters, paramedics, rescue workers.

Frontline workers – nurses, allied health workers, school teachers, social workers.

Other classes of workers who perform important services may also be eligible.

how to apply

How does it work?



You get approval for a home loan from Police Bank to fund your share of the purchase


Find a home

You find a home to buy in the Greater Sydney region


HOPE approves

HOPE approves a co-investment as a silent partner


That’s it

You buy and move into your new home, closer to your work

Ready to express your interest in an Essential Workers Home Loan?

Enquire Now

Important Information

Terms, conditions, fees, charges and lending criteria apply and are available at A Financial Services Guide (FSG) including terms and conditions is available at all Branches, on our website and upon request.

This information has been provided without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making any decisions, you should consider if it is appropriate to your objectives, financial situation and needs. We recommend that you obtain professional advice. Applications are subject to credit approval and other requirements. Full terms and conditions will be set out in our loan offer if we make you an offer. Fees and charges are payable. Interest rates are subject to change.

Police Bank Limited ABN 95 087 650 799 AFLS/Australian Credit Licence No. 240018.

HOPE Housing Fund Management Limited ABN 24 629 589 939. HOPE Housing is a corporate authorised representative (No. 001289514) of SILC Fiduciary Solutions Pty Ltd ACN 638 984 602 (AFSL No. 522145) with authorisations limited to providing general advice and dealing by arranging services to wholesale clients relating to the HOPE Housing Investment Fund. Specialised Investment and Lending Corporation Pty. Ltd. ACN 149 520 918 AFSL 407100 (SILC) is the trustee of the Fund. SILC has appointed HOPE Housing as investment manager of the Fund. If you would like more information, please email HOPE Housing cannot provide financial advice, or advise you in relation to your specific circumstances.

Schedule of Fees and Charges

Financial Services Guide

Home Loan Key Facts Sheet

Target Market Determinations

Terms and Conditions

More Information