Get a bonus for saving
This account rewards you for saving your money. All you have to do is deposit a minimum of $100 a month with no withdrawals and you’ll get a bonus interest rate on your savings.

Why you’d like a Bonus Saver account
- You’re looking for an account that rewards low balances as well as higher balances
- You want to earn more interest on your money as your balance increases
- You’ll save with a higher earning interest account without locking funds away
- You get access to your money when you need it without any penalty
- You have a disposable cash flow to deposit into this account to assist with saving for a particular goal or unexpected expenses
- Tiered interest rates — earn a different rate of interest depending on the balance of your account — the more you save, the higher the interest
- No ongoing monthly or annual fees
- No minimum or maximum balance
- Up to 5 sub accounts available to bucket your goals

Ready to apply for a Bonus Saver account?
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